1st IWA Non-Sewered Sanitation Conference

Post Conference Site Tour

EThekwini Non-Sewered Sanitation Projects (Durban)

Post conference Tour : R550.00 per person

A one day tour to view innovative NSS technologies and services in the field is being offered in the eThekwini Municipality (Durban) immediately after the conference.  Khanyisa Projects, the University of KwaZulu Natal WASH R & D Centre and eThekwini Water and Sanitation have partnered to test and rollout a number of non–sewered systems and services over the past 8 years. Some of these which will be available to view include:

  • Paid Sanitation container based service model for households in informal settlements (using Loowatt container based technology)
  • Generation two Re-invented Toilet (G2RT) – An onsite household processing unit
  • Incineration toilet
  • EOOS urine separation toilet
  • And other innovative systems

Contact Nick Alcock at nick@khanyisapr.co.za  or Susan Mercer at mercer@ukzn.ac.za for more information.
Click here to download further information on the tour.

Also note some flights such as Emirates, Etihad, Ethiopian etc. also fly out of Durban King Shaka airport if you are considering.

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